Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dietitian, Pediatrician, Surgeon, Physician Assistant, Chef

I apologize for the late post everyone. This week has been crazy busy. I had a big chemistry test on Friday and when I have a chemistry test I typically have no time for anything else. I eat, breath and sleep chemistry. Most of you know, chemistry and I are not friends, but for me to do what I want I have to take a lot of it.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the stupid question, What do I want to be when I grow up? To me this is just the most ridiculous question! I mean I have a list of at least 5 things that I really want to be and I am already grown up.This list does not include being a mother, but yes that is in the plan... So I want to hear a little bit about what everyone thinks of these different area's.

Right now in school my major is Nutrition with an emphasis in Allied Health. This means that I want to do something medically. It is opening doors for me to continue on to Med School or PA School. Lately, though I've been thinking about changing my emphasis to Dietetics. This will allow me to either go to Dietetics school or culinary art school.

After this semester (hoping I pass all my classes), I will have 91 credit hours. Which puts me as a senior!! This also puts a lot of pressure on me to decide what  I want to do.

The pro's and con's about each area:

-In order to be a Registered Dietitian I will need to go to graduate school. (Potential Schools are U of U, USU, BYU.)
-There are thousands of RD jobs that I could do. I could work with a professional sports team, college team, high school team, a large company who highers dietitians for their company, Eating disorders, Work out gyms, kids etc.
-Average Salary in Utah $67,000 (Everywhere else there salary goes up at least $10,000)
-Easy job that I can pick my hours

Pediatrician and Surgeon:
- MCAT is required for Med School
-U of U is where I'm hoping to go.
- They make a lot of money :)

Physician Assistant:
-A physician's assistant is a very interesting area of work. They work directly under the doctor.
-They will never get sued
-Instead of Med school you go to PA school
-Average Salary $90,000
-University of Utah, Utah State

-I LOVE TO COOK!! Whenever I have a bad day I end up in the kitchen or on Pinterest getting ideas for cooking.
-I don't use recipes anymore, unless I really want a specific thing.
-I would get my degree in Culinary Arts, or dietetics.
-I would either have my own cooking show, restaurant or make cook books.
-Average Salary $40,000
-I can choose my own hours.

Anyway this is just a bunch of ideas I have. Give my some input of what everyone thinks!! Hope all is going well for everyone.


  1. Also, just a fun little thing. If you want to enter to the Food Network comfort food contest it is really easy and free! So why not?

  2. I love it that you have so many options! I wouldn't look AS much at salary as things that you love as well as things that will allow you to be a Mom....I've found that having Stacey with me is a huge plus. Just a suggestion but you'll also want to look at how much you'll have to pay out to attend these grad/additional schooling and calculate that in as well. You'll also want to look at availability of jobs where you want to live. If you want to live in Utah, there are certain areas that are more open than others job-wise. Just some thoughts!

  3. I had no idea you loved to cook! I do too! :) I have actually told Rob that I would like to go to culinary art school once the kiddos are bigger. However, owning a cooking show, a restaurant or doing your own cookbook is A LOT of work. You put as a pro that you could choose your own hours, but the reality is you wouldn't be successful unless you put in a ton of hours. You also have to have money to start with, so I thought I would just add my 2 cents in there. I think a PA could be really cool- how long does it take to go through PA school? I also think being a dietitian could open the door to some fun jobs- it just depends on who you know. I think going through medical school to be a pediatrician or a surgeon is very ambitious, and from seeing many people going through medical school, it takes a really long time. I wonder how Obamacare is changing the medical industry and if it would really be a big payout (you would have a lot of loans to pay off before you could start making any dough too)? Hopefully as you pray to receive guidance, you can figure out what route to take as you are almost a college senior! Good luck and keep us posted when you decide. :)

  4. Hi honey! It is so fun to have such great options. I will add my two cents, though really my opinion doesn't matter: it's between you and the Lord. :)

    Chefs/cooks have one of the top ten most stressful jobs and often have to work evenings, weekends and holidays. Though I too would love to do culinary arts school (it makes me smile that several of us do!) I think I would want to do it just for myself, my family and friends - not as work.

    Medical school is a very long route. If you are committed to working for a long time, it might be worth it. If you are going to be a surgeon I think you need to plan on about 8-10 years by the time you do school and your residency. That said, 8-10 years will pass by whether you're in med school or not, so if it's something you're passionate about and want to do forever it could certainly be worth it!

    I think a PA or dietitian would be really interesting. Grad school absolutely flew by for me, so I don't think you should let that deter you. 2 or 3 years passes with the blink of an eye (as you know!) Is it hard for PA's to find good doctors to work with? Can you do your own business as a dietitian or is it hard to find a clientele?

    The whole world is open to you. Pick what you want and go for it - you can do anything!
