Saturday, January 18, 2014

Shopping for the Wise

Living down as school has taught me all sorts of wonderful tricks to shopping at the grocery stores. I love to go and find all the good deals on foods. Many of you know that most stores have sells on meat when they are almost expired, same with bread and almost anything and everything. You just have to look. I love to buy these foods because usually you can just cook and freeze it. If it something like sour cream it usually will be marked down a week prior to the expiration. So make something that calls for sour cream. I also have found a list for in season Fruits and Vegetables! Perhaps this will be beneficial to you, I use it and love it!!

Shop Seasonally


  1. I love this Paige. I think there are so many benefits for eating seasonably as well!

  2. What a great resource - thanks so much, Paige. I've read a few books lately that have pushed me to start eating more seasonally and locally: it seems like wins all around and the food tastes so much better in season. Thanks!
