Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tiny Teagan- Baby Model Extraordinaire! ;)

There is a girl in my ward who has been doing professional photography for like 12 years now. She is AMAZING. We were going to have her shoot Teagan when he was born but she is expensive...like insanely expensive. She travels all over the world (literally!), doing photoshoots for people.

A couple weeks ago I got a text from her asking if we would be interested in letting Teagan be a baby model for a product she was going to shoot for. AHHH! YES YES YESSSS! We got free professional pictures, and we got the hats for free- sweet deal. We drove down to Ogden today so he could model HushHats- Baby earmuffs. These are a couple of the pictures he took. They aren't edited at all- she just pulled them right off her camera and sent them over to us. So great!! It was so much fun! He was a champ. And, he's adorable.

Enjoy some of these darling pics :)