Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A day in our shoes!

Hey! I wasn't too sure what I ought to blog about this week so I decide to give you just a glimpse of what we are up to now days!

Josh is keeping super busy with full time school, full time work, and taking care of South Valley Dance Academy’s accounting, marketing, and publicity. He is expecting to graduate with a degree in business a year from December and is quite anxious to be through with school. Josh is enrolled in online classes and then he also goes down to school each Saturday. Josh wakes up each day and leaves for work about 8:00am, he normally gets home between 6:30-7:00pm and then quickly eats dinner and works on homework and accounting, marketing, and publicity for the business for another 3-6 hours. Josh and I also teach the 5 year olds in church. We have been teaching the 5 year olds in church since we first got married (other than nursery for a while) and have finally started laminating everything so that we don’t have to keep remaking our visuals. Between everything he does he is an amazing Husband and Father. Tyler and I are sure grateful for him!

Tyler is doing much better and over his sicknesses that he was dealing with (over a month!!!). He loves to play with his toys, he sat up by himself on Monday, and although he lets me feed him his bottles he does his best to help me hold it sometimes. He loves tummy time and continues rolling over from his tummy to his back. I help him roll from his back to his tummy quite frequently and honestly think he could do it by himself if he wanted to, but he hasn’t wanted to yet. He is getting more mobile. When I lay him down on his tummy I set his toys in front of him in a semi-circle. When he wants one of the toys he will push himself forward until he is on top of it (he just needs to grasp the concept that he can then grab the toy to play with it…he isn’t sure what to do once he is laying on it).

Now that he is feeling better we are working on scheduling set nap times each day. Right now he tends to be awake and then fall asleep for 5-20 minute cat naps…doing so leaves him pretty exhausted and unhappy. This week I have been trying to keep him awake for 2-3 hours (with no cat naps) and then have him take a longer nap. Things are still pretty rough but I believe that with a bit more time we will have a great napping schedule down!

I’m also keeping really busy. I take care of Tyler, run South Valley Dance Academy, and teach each evening. Most days consist of some house cleaning, I cook dinner in the morning (and then put it on plates for Josh and I so that we aren’t in the kitchen during classes…we just heat the food in the microwave and eat in our room), playing with Tyler (I read to him, take him on walks, play with him, and of course bathe him and get him ready each day), errands, grocery shopping, business phone calls, emails, choreography, lesson plans, performance preparations, etc. (today I was on the phone for most of the morning ordering costumes). Students arrive for classes by 2:45 most days and I finish teaching between 5:00 and 6:30 each day. I have a babysitter that comes to watch Tyler while I teach and then another girl that helps me with my evening classes (classes continue until 8:30pm each evening). After classes are out for the night I wash bottles, clean up dinner, make sure that the studio and house are all cleaned up and locked up for the night, get Tyler ready for bed, and finish up any other business I wasn’t able to complete during the day.

We are keeping busy and loving life!!! I am so thankful for my amazing husband Josh and our sweet Baby Tyler.



  1. Love it, Sheri! Your family is precious! I am glad you are enjoying life. I also loved the snapchats you sent of Tyler letting you cut his nails- you should post those so everyone can see how freaking darling he is :)
    I hope you and Josh make time to snuggle each night ;) You guys rock!

  2. Sheri I love your post. You have such a sweet family. I love how organized you are. I think it would be so fun to hear a day of all my sisters lives. What do you all think??

  3. I agree Mary! Thanks, Sheri for this post! You guys are so awesome and Stacey is just loving her dance class. She usually asks me on Saturday if we "PLEASE can't have it be dance day?"

    I'm so lame right now and just haven't gotten to posting yet, but YAY! my morning sickness seems to be to the point now where its mostly evening sickness! I should be able to post my next scheduled time! :)

  4. Glad Tyler is finally feeling better! It is always heartbreaking when your littles are suffering and you don't know how to help them! Hopefully you can find a schedule that works for everyone (not just Tyler)!
