Monday, March 10, 2014

Garage Sale

I love to go garage sale-ing!  I have found some really awesome deals by spending my Saturday mornings going from sale to sale.  It is almost spring time, and in my opinion, garage sales are better in the spring than in the fall.  After all the holiday gifts, parents are usually ready to "spring clean" all the old toys, clothes, etc that are cluttering up closets and floors.  If you are looking for good deals, garage sales just can't be beat!  

On that note, we are getting ready to do a garage sale.  We participated in one with our neighbors Angie and Jason last October, but we were pretty conservative in what we put up for sale.  We have found that clothes we just don't wear anymore are easy to sale (Rob is really going to thin out his clothes!).  I have an attic full of things that I need to evaluate.  My new attitude is- If I haven't used it since moving here (3 1/2 years ago), then I probably am not going to use, so I need to sell it (or give it away).  I am going to try and have everything ready for the garage sale by March 22.  Wish me luck!


  1. I want to dejunk to. I feel completely weighed down by too much stuff!

  2. I hope your sale is a screaming success. Good luck with getting everything prepped: it is sure a lot of work.

  3. I have been dejunking like crazy! So much work! Great job sister...what an inspiration.
