Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Baby Animal Days!


All of you should plan to bring your kiddo's up (or yourselves!) and come to baby animal days with Dusty and I! We will be going on Friday, April 3rd and will probably get over there around 11:30AM. It is $7 for kids 3-11 and $9 for 12 and up. If you bring a canned good you get a dollar off each ticket.

They have all sorts of fun things going on- check out the website and please comment or text me if you're interested so we can figure everything out!


We were thinking that we could also do a picnic lunch by our house at a fun park or on Old Main. Let me know if you'd be interested in that as well :)


Cruise Pictures

I bought these gems from the cruiseline.  They cost a mint, but really - how could I not?  What fun girls we have in our family.  I love how much fun they make life and how often they crack me up.  I can't look at these without grinning (especially picture #1). 


Monday, March 16, 2015

Special Dates

So!  Check out what I added right over in that sidebar.  -->  A quick little list of all birthdays and anniversaries, as they are hard to track!  I am missing a few anniversaries, so if you can let me know yours if it's missing that would be grand!  Also, let me know if you see any errors.  :)


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dr. Suess!


Yesterday was Dr. Suess' birthday so I found this AMAZING deal!!!! This is everything I got for FIVE DOLLARS! I think the sale doesn't last long and that is a steal of a deal so if you want it- sign up quick!!!

The website it www.funbooks1.com
Use promo code: 010315

The Tooth Book
Go, Dog, Go!
Ten Apples up on Top!
The Cat in the Hat
Mr. Brown Can Moo!
Dr. Seuss Activity Book
Dr. Seuss Stickers
Dr. Seuss Growth Chart
Seuss Book Stickers
Seuss Reading Stickers
Shipping and HandlingFREE