Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I cannot believe I will be leaving Arkansas in just a mere 12 days.  If you have not heard, I will be staying with Dan and Jane in St. George while we continue to list our home in AR.  Once we are under contract, and have found a "new" home in SLC, I will move with the kids.  The situation is continually changing, but that it is the plan as of right now.  Today we had a realtor open house, and we had great feedback about our house.  We hope the open house will push the realtors to show their clients our home so we can get it sold!  As I have been wrapping things up here, I have taken all to the dentist, going to take babies to 6-month check-up, etc.  I realize that we don't have an exact location or time frame, but I am looking for recommendations for a dentist and doctors (family, pediatrician, allergist, and OB/GYN).  While you are commenting, please feel free to add any recommendations for passes I should look into getting (i.e. zoo, aquarium, Thanksgiving Point, Cowabunga Bay, etc).  There is a lot more "to do" in SLC than in Little Rock, so I would like your "favorites" to help narrow down the field.  Just for the heck of it, thoughts on school districts: Canyons vs. Jordan vs. Alpine.  You may or may not have much to say on any/all of these, but anything you might be able to add will be appreciated!  Much love!  Julie

1 comment:

  1. We go with Dr. Jimmy Ryan (same as Mary, Cassie and Sarah used to use him), I LOVE LOVE LOVE, Dr. Hutchison as OB/GYN ( Sarah and Sheri use him too). I have had a much better experience with Dr. Kenny Hicks as dentist. Mom and Dad use him as well. He's told us he isn't the best pediatric dentist if your kids get pretty nervous at the dentist though. The new updated aquarium is pretty awesome. I'd like to get a season pass for Stacey. We've loved the SoJo Rec center for working out and swimming. Classes are included with my pass and I have Stacey in swim lessons there. As for Jordan School District, from what I understand from everyone, it depends on the school. Each one is different. I would just ask around the area that you're looking to move in to.
